Monday, February 22, 2016

February 20, 2016

I planned the brunch food menu and printed off the pictures from Costco for Maikale's book. I purchased pastries and fruit for our last class brunch. I enjoyed looking through the pictures as I put them into the photo book and reminisce on the opportunity we had to get to know Maikale and her family.

(1 hour 45 minutes)

February 12, 2016

I called around to Lowe's and Home Depot and was able to locate an auger at the Pearl City Home Depot. I picked up the auger and saw sharpener that Kelipi had wanted to purchase on our previous shopping trip.

This is an auger for digging posts.
(1 hour and 30 minutes)

February 3, 2016

I drove out to Laie and picked up Maikale, Una, and Kelipi to shop for the items they would need for their transition back to Tonga at the end of the month. We talked a lot this day about how different Tonga was from America. They told me about the money system in Tonga and how Kelipi makes $5,000 a year as a teacher, and how expensive it is to buy things in TOnga. They grow their own food and raise their own animals. They told me about the different meats they eat and the traditions of the different foods. On this shopping trip Kelipi wanted to purchase some tools that would make "his life easier" in his words. This included a lawn mower, chain saw, and auger. They use the imu many times thorough out the week and always cut their wood with a machete, dig their holes with a spade, and have no machine for cutting grass. The machines that we take for granted every day. We went to Walmart where Una was able to purchase some things she wanted to bring back to Tonga, and then went to City Mill. We priced the saws and decided to visit Lowe's instead. Kelipi had better luck at Lowe's and was able to purchase a lawn mower and saw, but couldn't find an auger and they were out of the sharpener he needed for the saw. Maikale was not feeling well, Una thought her molars may be coming in and were causing the discomfort. While at the stores I took Maikale with me and we walked around and looked at all the different items in the store and practiced naming and counting them. As we walked around the store I noticed so many people (mainly adults) staring at us, but nobody ever came up and talked to us. It made me think about my own behavior and hope that I don't stare at others, but not really look at them.
We had lunch at McDonald's (it was their first time) I think Una and Maikale enjoyed it, but I don't think Kelipi was a fan of his chicken nuggets! On the way home Maikale slept a good portion of the hour long drive. It was a good day!

(7 hours)

January 19, 2015

Today we went looking for the Museum of Natural History, before we went inside I told Maikale that we were going to see animals, but that they were no longer alive and were just pretend. We practiced saying the word pretend together and each time we said it I would smile really big. I was hoping that she would be able to make the connection between pretend and my smile, so she would not be scared. We started off really slowly looking at the animals and I would point to them and smile really big and say pretend, and then tell her the animal name and the sound that each animal makes. She tried mimicking the names of the animals and sounds that they made. We walked slowly around talking about each animal two times. At first Maikale was hesitant to touch the fur, but with a smile and the word pretend she reached foreword and touched the fur. She touched the fur and we talked about the texture of the fur.

(60 minutes)
January 12, 2016

We decided that we needed to get out and enjoy some fresh air, so we decided to explore campus. As we were passing the Stake Center where Una works, Maikale began yelling, "Hi mooooooommmmm!" over and over agin! We decided to walk in and see if we could find locate Una, so Maikale could say hello. They were both excited to see each other! We continued walking around campus and naming everything we saw: birds, clouds, sun, trees, flowers, grass, babies, and people. I would point and say the name and she would repeat me. Every person we would pass I would say, "Maikale say hi to your friend," and she would give a half smile and say, "Hiiiii." 
We also visited the library and I read the Big Books with Maikale and we played Ipad matching games. 

(60 minutes)

January 5, 2015

Today we tried a sorting game, but Maikale wasn't able to grasp the concept, so we (I) sorted the objects and talked aloud as I did the sorting. We went through puzzles, coloring, and painting with a very short attention span during this visit. I think Maikale was very over tired, so she laid her head on the pillow and we massaged her legs and back. I think Maikale enjoyed the roller on her back, Sini even took a turn massaging during this visit.

(60 minutes)

December 21, 2015

My husband and I took our children to the Polynesian Culture Center for the live nativity canoe ride and invited Maikale, Sini, and Lavender to go with us. I called to get information and prices and found that if you brought a Pepsi product with you they would waive the $5 fee, so we collected cans from our neighbors and headed out to Laie. I also found out that we could have Maikale ride int he canoe with us and they would walk her wheel chair to the location where we would be getting off the canoe. We picked the kids up and went and got in line for the canoe. We had a 15-minute wait and during this time the kids got to know each other, and I pointed out the lights to Maikale and told her we were going to to go on a canoe. In the canoe I sat in the front for with Maikale and a two more of our kids, and my husband sat behind me with more of the kids. Maikale seemed to be enjoying the canoe until I pointed out the first three live characters.....she laid her head back and began to cry. I was able to soothe her, but she kept tearing and het head buried in my arm the remaining time on the canoe. I talked to her about the animals and lights, but she would have nothing to do with it. After we got off the canoe Maikale continued to quietly cry and we decided to stop at McDonald's on the way home for an ice cream cone. The ice cream cone definitely did the trick! She cheered right up and seemed to forget the canoe ride.

(3 hours 30 minutes)
December 14, 2015

Chelsie and I visited Maikale in school and were able to see her in a stand-up chair where she was working on star fall website. It is an website that introduces the child to letters and sounds. The computer was very tiny as well as the cursor on the computer. I have experience with this website and think I think it is a great site, but the way Maikale was using it didn't seem as beneficial as it could be. We then waited outside while the aide took Maikale into the restroom, after we played with Maikale at recess.

(1 hour 20 minutes)

After the school Chelsie and I talked with Sister Hong about the transitional process back to Tonga for Maikale and her family. WE discussed the importance of preparing for the transition and planning for Maikale's future. We also discussed the Christmas shopping trip and the wrapping of the gifts.

(40 minutes)

December 11, 2015

Christmas Shopping!

 I drove out to Laie and picked up Una for a day of shopping! We talked on the way to Walmart about our lives and children, and also about some of the things that she was looking for at the store. We went to Walmart and both grabbed a cart and the first aisle she stopped in was for school supplies. She wanted to stock up for when they went back to Tonga, we then picked out a couple toys for each child, an outfit, dress, and under clothes. We also wandered around and she browsed the the aisles. She was very grateful and generous the whole trip. We went to Costco to do some grocery shopping, but weren't able to go inside because my husband had my card. We had lunch at Costco, and then headed home. On the way home Una told me about their Christmas tradition of typing balloons and candy to a tree branch. She said, "And everybody is happy." It really made me ponder how complicated Americans make the Christmas holiday!
(7 hours)

December 8, 2015

This Tuesday afternoon Taco and I did our home visit together. We put together the small Christmas tree, hung up garland, decorated stockings, and Christmas stickers. Maikale wasn't very interested in the Christmas decorations, but loved putting the Frozen stickers on the paper and drawing around the stickers. We also talked about Christmas and read Elf on the Shelf. Lavender and Sini seemed to enjoy decorating for Christmas and were excited to surprise their parents when they returned home later that evening!

(60 minutes)

December 4, 2015

I looked up online "help fine motor schools" online and found this site (
 I went to Walmart and picked up a few items to help with Maikale and her fine motor skills. I purchased her a foam puzzle that she could easily grasp and practice putting back together. I also purchased water color paint, paper, scissors, stickers, and crayons. During this trip to Walmart I purchased some basic Christmas decorations, so that during the next visit I could decorate with the children for Christmas.
(60 minutes)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

December 1, 2015

I went to the school for my first visit school visit. I was able to join Maikale for part of recess and lunch. During recess Maikale mainly observed the students around her, but did not try to interact with the,. We then went to the bathroom where her aide helped her wash her hands before lunch. I noticed that she encouraged Maikale to be as independent as possible during this task, having her open the door, turn on the lights, scrub her hands, and turn off the water. We then went to lunch where her aide pushed her through the line, but Maikale held her own tray. Maikale was pushed up to the end of the table full of girls from her general education class. They all greeted Maikale with a smile and she said "Hi" back to them. Her aide opened the carton of milk and stepped back to let Maikale eat independently and be a part of the class. (60 minutes)

This was my first visit with Maikale in her home. We read books, counted fingers and toes, and played on the floor. Maikale took a few minutes to warm up to me, but once she did she was very happy to sing and interact with me. It was during this time I found out that Maikale loves the songs from Frozen! We listened and watched the song Let It Go on youtube. I also noticed during this time the lack of interactive toys for Maikale and decided to purchases some Christmas decorations to put up with the kids the next time I visited. (60 minutes)

November 27, 2015

On Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving I was able to meet Una and Maikale at Shriner's Hospital in Honolulu for Maikale's check-up and for physical therapy. During this visit we found out that MAikale was no longer receiving physical therapy through Shriner's Hospital, but I was able to talk to the therapists about a new wheel chair for Maikale. They measured her for a new chair and said they would get back to us around the New Year and if we hadn't heard from them we were to call and check the status of the new chair. (3 hours)

November 23, 2015

My first time meeting Maikale was in our SPED class when her father Kelepi brought her in to introduce her to our class. I immediately fell in love with her and her sweet spirit! It was after meeting Maikale for the first time that we started planning the rest of our semester around her!